In an environment of small classes and enthusiastic students and teachers, everyone at Applewild is known personally, as an individual with talents and strengths to nurture.
The Buddies Program
The buddies program at Applewild encourages students of all ages to make connections across campus. All K-4 students are paired with buddies in the 5th-9th grades, and various activities take place throughout the year together. Activities include a Teddy Bear Picnic, reading and playing games together, Field Day and community service projects.

Homeroom/advisory is the starting point each morning for our students. They are welcomed into the classroom by their advisor or homeroom teacher, connect with peers, and settle into the daily routine. Homeroom is the model used in K-5. Teachers implement the Responsive Classroom approach, as each day begins with a morning meeting. Starting in sixth grade students transition into small advisory groups rather than a larger homeroom class. The advisors become a point person on campus for both students and families. Through the advisory program, activities linked to social emotional learning are utilized as a way of supporting individual growth.
All School Meeting
All-School Meeting is a chance for the whole community to come together, connect, and celebrate each other. Through a wide variety of activities we have shared experiences and show support for one another while building community. Each school year we spend time with buddies, participate in Green/White games, enjoy school plays and performances, listen to visiting artists and performers, and welcome special guest speakers.

Field Trips
Applewild students explore our region through curriculum-based field trips. Field trips enhance our project-based approach and connect our students' learning to the world.
Lunch is another time for Applewild students to connect and congregate as a community. During the K-4 lunch, students are assigned to multi-age tables with one or two students from each grade. Third and fourth grade students play a key role in making lunch an organized and enjoyable experience through leadership roles at their tables. Before cleanup, students have the opportunity to share jokes or poems with the community, and many experience speaking in front of a group for the first time. During 5-9 lunch, students begin the year eating with advisory groups. As the year progresses, students are assigned to mixed-grade tables in order to foster connection across grades.